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Grand Groupe
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PME | ETI | Start-Up
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Mise en relation avec des acheteurs et des financeurs à l’échelle européenne

ENTRANCE has created a unique EU online Matchmaking platform for the entire European transport and mobility landscape that will be sustainable beyond the project’s duration. The platform (i) connects a critical mass of relevant stakeholders from the “supply-demand-finance” triangle in the entire transport and mobility sector, including all transport means and modes (ii) creates an increased visibility of “first-of-a-kind” transport solutions, foreseen replacement plans and schedules of major buyers and public and private financing opportunities; (iii) does an automatic matchmaking that will facilitate the scale up, market uptake, and access to finance as well as generate specific alerts in regard to:

  • Supply-Demand. This include a matchmaking between potential buyers of the solution, potential replacement plans and schedules, and finally an automatic matchmaking with the platform’s database of public national and European tenders.
  • Demand-Demand. Replacement plans and schedules are grouped, and buyers’ interests and needs are matched.
  • Supply-Financial Investor and Demand-Financial Investor. The investors are directly matched with the potential solution providers and buyers that fit with their interests.
  • Supply-Financing Programme and Demand-Financing Programme. The solution providers and buyers are matched with potential funding programmes that fit with their interests.
  • Supply-Legislation and Demand-Legislation. The solution providers and buyers are matched with information on the legal framework that is to be applied to the uptake of the innovative transport solutions of their interest.
  • Supply-Best Practices and Demand-Best Practices. The solution providers and buyers are matched with best practices on how innovative transport and mobility solutions in the same area have been applied.”

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